jueves, 31 de mayo de 2018

viernes, 6 de abril de 2018

Wh- questions

Wh questions explanation.
Different exercises that you can do. (just click on some of the numbers, 3 and 5 are perfect for what we have practised, 13, 19 and 22 are good examples too)

miércoles, 4 de abril de 2018

Documentos KET and PET.

- Hay que traer una foto tamaño carnet antes del viernes día 6 de abril, es necesario para la realización del examen. El no tener la foto dentro del tiempo adecuado implicaría la no realización del examen.
- Examen oral: jueves 12 de abril.
- Examen escrito: martes 24 de abril.

Documentos útiles para la realización del examen: 
Descripción prueba
Aviso a candidatos

martes, 27 de marzo de 2018

Ket and Pet exams

Here are both tests.



Enjoy your holidays. :)

P.S: If you want to practice for your exams here are links to do that.



martes, 20 de marzo de 2018

miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2018

English exam

You can check your KET/PET exams in the documents that I uploaded some time ago, there you can find different exercises.

Here are other links so you practice for the exam.

Present Simple.
Past Simple.
Future Simple.
First Conditional.
Second Conditional.

You can find more exercises and explanations in that web.

lunes, 5 de marzo de 2018

Unit 4 Natural Science

Here are some diagrams that should help you studying the unit for tomorrow's exam.
Good luck!

Chemical changes

What is matter? (Page 5)
When is reflection produced? (Page 6)
What is a mixture? (Page 8)
Types of mixtures. (Page 8)
What is a solution? Some examples. (Page 9)
What are the techniques used for separing mixtures? (Page 10,11)
Types of chemical reactions and explanation. (Page 12)
Types of oxidation.  (Page 14)

viernes, 2 de marzo de 2018

KET/PET Solved

Don't forget to bring all the exercises corrected for Monday.
Those exercises that are not corrected here will be corrected next week.
Have a nice weekend!


Pages 20 and 21.

Exercise 1.
Cinema tickets                  G
A DVD                                  D
Make-up                             J
A comic book                    B
A football shirt                  A
Sweets                                H
A computer game           C
A magazine                        F
Trainers                               E

Exercise 2.
Bookshop                           B, I
Cinema                                G
Clothes shop                     A, E, M, N
Music shop                        C, D, O
Newsagents                      B, F, H, L
Sports shop                        A, E, K
Supermarket                     C, D, H, J, L, O
Toyshop                              C

Exercise 5.
1.       WAS, WERE
2.       DID
3.       DIDN’T
4.       –ED
Regular: wanted, listened, looked, decided.
Irregular: went, was, were, bought, tried, met, got.

Exercise 6.
1.       WANTED
2.       WERE
3.       DIDN’T SEE
4.       TRIED
5.       DIDN’T FIT
6.       MET
7.       SPENT
8.       ATE
9.       DECIDED
1.   HAD

Exercise 7.
1.       B
2.       A
3.       C
4.       B
5.       C


Pages 14, 15.

Exercise 2.
DO THE: dishes, housework, shopping, washing.
LAY THE: table
MAKE THE: bed, dinner
WASH THE: dishes, floor.

Exercise 5.
1.       FINISHED.
2.       HABIT.
4.       – (E)D
5.       DID NOT
6.       DID

Exercise 6.
1.       GOT UP
2.       USED TO WASH
3.       TOOK
4.       HAD TO
5.       USED TO WEAR
6.       LOOKED
7.       USED TO WATCH
8.       USED TO PLAY

viernes, 2 de febrero de 2018

Maps of Europe for fun

Here are the links to the maps of Europe so you can study.
Don't forget to change to the "learn" option before playing :)

Mountain Ranges

Have a nice weekend!

miércoles, 31 de enero de 2018

KET and PET presentations

Here are the presentations that I have prepared so you can check the exercises at home.


See you tomorrow!

viernes, 26 de enero de 2018


Here are the videos of the different things that you will have to bring to school during the next weeks.


You only need to bring one hat. :)

Have a nice weekend!