viernes, 2 de febrero de 2018

Maps of Europe for fun

Here are the links to the maps of Europe so you can study.
Don't forget to change to the "learn" option before playing :)

Mountain Ranges

Have a nice weekend!

7 comentarios:

  1. Teacher, are you going to put a map of the rivers of Europe that you said to study in the blog? It is to study for the exam on Friday

  2. Teacher I just entered the website where you got the maps of the capitals and countries and I just found the map of the rivers, but I do not know if there are all of them.

  3. But Teacher, about the rivers and mountains there are some that we have not studied and also not all of those that you said that we studied

  4. Respuestas
    1. You should study all of them, because it's good to know.
      But tomorrow i'm only going to ask for the rivers that I told you to study in class. ^^

  5. Ok thanks for the information see you tomorrow
